Beaufort Hunt Supporters Show 2011

Coloured Horse & Pony Classes 19.20 & 21
Early classes from ring 3. Classes 15. 16 and 17.
Moountain and Moorland Large Breeds
Mountain and Moorland Classes 23.24.26 & 27
Pony Classes from Ring 5. Classes 33,34,35,36,37,38,40
Ridden classes from ring 2. Classes. 6, 7,& 8
Ring 2. Pony Leading Rein and First Pony. Classes 9 & 10
Show Jumping Classes 41 to 44 in Ring 6 
There are a huge number of pictures here in this section. If you need help in finding your pictures, PLEASE EMAIL US YOUR COMPETITOR/BIB NUMBER TO and we will send you your file numbers
There are a huge number of pictures here in this section. If you need help in finding your pictures, PLEASE EMAIL US YOUR COMPETITOR/BIB NUMBER TO and we will send you your file numbers
Working Hunter Classes Ring One 
This section includes ALL the pictures we have for ALL the Working Hunter Classes 1 to 5.
This section includes ALL the pictures we have for ALL the Working Hunter Classes 1 to 5.